魔鏡歌詞網 > 團體歌手 > Dr. 詹姆士醫療團隊 > 聽診器 > 專輯介紹

Dr. 詹姆士醫療團隊



Dr. 詹姆士(本名詹益承)是ㄧ位醫師、歌手,也是病友。2011年確診為多發性肌炎,領取永久重大傷病卡。在庸庸碌碌的白色巨塔內翻滾著,Dr.詹姆士看盡生死攸關、人情冷暖,決定在行醫之餘,珍惜仍擁有的生命,並且把握當下,追逐音樂夢想!他將住院醫師以前所寫的音樂作品彙整後,製作成這張單曲集,並以歌曲 「聽診器」 做為專輯名稱,藉以提醒自己在行醫的道路上,莫忘初衷!

聽診器一曲的由來,是Dr. 詹姆士在實習的時候,照顧一位直腸癌患者,陪他走到最後一刻,一直到幫他的大體傷口縫合完畢... 回到寢室後終於忍不住情緒而久久不能自已,於是緩緩寫出這首歌,鼓勵醫界的你我,盡心盡力、奔走來去毎段故事裡、毎一趟生命歷程裡,以及毎一個家庭... 讓病友們好好活下去!

Doctor James, a doctor, a singer, and also a patient, has polymyositis diagnosed on September 3rd, 2011. He was so depressed that life maybe shorter and shorter. So he started to chase his dream, that is, to make his own music CD. Stethoscope was born then on August 1st, 2012! What 'Stethoscope' means is to encourage doctors and nurses not to forget our heart in the very beginning !